Sunday, November 18, 2007

Unique again

Time for a recommendation of some new material. One of the top candidates for best album of 2007 have to be DJ Encore's second album "Unique"!

Finally DJ Encore returned with a new album of his own after the successful 2001 debut album "Intuition" best known for the huge hit "I See Right Through To You".

The new album shows DJ Encore isn't stuck on one sound, the album are less trancy and a bit more mellow which makes it perfect for party as well as laid back enjoyment at home. The album both haves classic DJ Encore-sounding tracks like "Point Of No Return" and first single "You Can Walk On Water".

But also slower and more acoustic tracks showing new sides of DJ Encore. But his strongest card are still present in all the songs, namely the fantastic melodic and catchy tunes. This makes "Unique" an album again from his side with no fillers!

Best representing the new sound must be tracks like "Wanna Fly?" and "Nobody Wants To Try". If you liked his first album, you will love this one as well. Even though 6 years has changed DJ Encore it is not for the worse.

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